Ragi, also known as finger millet, is a cereal that is popular in many African and South Indian nations. It is regarded as a wonder grain for shedding pounds. It has a lot of fiber and is high in calcium. It is regarded as one of the finest treatment options for diabetics. It is a typical baby food in South India as well. Ragi porridge is given to babies after 28 days of age because it facilitates simple digestion. Giving the body a lot of calcium and iron helps the baby’s bones grow stronger

Nutritional Content in Ragi

Ragi has an outstanding nutritional profile that includes high quantities of important micronutrients like vitamins and minerals as well as all the necessary macronutrients including carbohydrates, fiber, fats, and proteins. It has very low amounts of salt and cholesterol to support heart health. Ragi also has significant amounts of vitamins C and E, which help to maintain healthy skin, hair, and immune systems.

Ragi flour also contains calcium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus, as well as the B complex vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folic acid, which fully supports its status as a healthful breakfast cereal and a superfood.

The nutrition values in a 100 g serving of ragi flour, according to the nutrient database of the U.S.D.A (United States Department of Agriculture) are as follows:

Ragi Calories – 385 Monounsaturated Fat 2% Dietary Fibre 14% Iron 11% Niacin 3.7%
Total Fat 7% Cholesterol 0% Sugars 2% Potassium 27% Folic Acid 3%
Saturated Fat 3% Sodium 0% Protein 10% Thiamine 5% Vitamin C 7%
Polyunsaturated Fat 5% Total Carbohydrates 25% Calcium 26% Riboflavin 7.6% Vitamin E 4.6%

In truth, ragi is a healthy, high-fiber Indian grain that can replace traditional grains and cereals like rice, wheat, and barley in the Indian diet. In addition to enhancing vegetarian and vegan diets, it has the distinction of being a relatively uncommon plant source of the essential amino acids isoleucine, tryptophan, valine, methionine, and threonine.

Health Benefits of Ragi

Before rice became India’s mainstay food in the 1950s, entire grains like ragi, brown rice, and barley were organically grown and were regarded as a traditional diet. Since the advent of information and technology (IT), the majority of people follow a planned diet, which makes them more likely to eat fast food. They consequently develop malignant tumors and cardiac disorders.

Doctors advise both healthy individuals and diabetic patients to consume ragi to ward off such illnesses. Most teenagers no longer eat this cereal. This piece, however, focuses on the advantages and miracles that ragi can provide over the long term.

High in Protein

Eleusinian, the main protein present in ragi and one with a high biological value, is responsible for the food’s high protein level. This protein is regarded as a healthy source of protein for vegetarians and aids in the prevention of malnutrition. The amount of methionine makes up 5% of the total protein in ragi. Ragi has been grown for hundreds of years and can tolerate harsh weather and high elevations. The majority of dietitians rank ragi as the top food grain because it is high in carbs. Ragi is too small to be polished like other grains, thus we can ingest it in its most natural state.

Natural Weight Loss Agent

Ragi contains a lot of fiber, which keeps your stomach full and prevents you from having unhealthy desires. Weight loss is aided by this. It lowers your body’s blood sugar levels and converts them to insulin. The best time to eat ragi is first thing in the morning. Tryptophan is an amino acid found in ragi that aids in weight loss. Since tryptophan decreases appetite, you don’t feel hungry as frequently.

Prevents Skin from Aging

Ragi is a natural anti-aging ingredient and skincare product. Ragi contains crucial amino acids like methionine and lysine that shield your skin against the hazards of rashes, wrinkles, and dullness. Ragi contains antioxidants that assist your body battle stress and delaying the onset of aging. It revitalizes skin cells, giving you a youthful, healthy appearance.

Additionally, ragi has Vitamin E, which is excellent for your skin. Vitamin E helps the body heal naturally from wounds. This aid lubricates the skin and creates a shield, allowing your skin to develop.

Ragi gives you healthy hair

Protein-rich ragi aids in preventing hair loss. It is highly suggested for those who are experiencing hair loss. Because protein is a component of hair, your hair needs a lot of it. The major protein in your hair is keratin. Lack of protein can cause hair loss, however, ragi will strengthen your hair and stop hair loss if you start eating it.

Ragi is also thought to stop hair from prematurely greying. The antioxidants in ragi will effectively stop the damage to tissues, which will lessen the likelihood of developing grey hair. This is typically brought on by the oxidation of tissues. Ragi contains magnesium, which is necessary for preventing hair loss.

Ragi has Loads of Calcium

No cereal has calcium levels as high as those in ragi. Human bones need calcium to grow and to avoid osteoporosis, which causes brittle and frail bones. Consequently, drinking ragi porridge is advised rather than taking calcium supplements (ragi kanji). 344 milligrams of calcium, which is a significant amount and excellent for your bones, are present in 100 grams of ragi.

Increases Production of Mother’s Milk

Green ragi boosts hemoglobin levels, which in turn enhances the production of mother’s milk in women, therefore lactating ladies must eat more of it. This is also referred to as enhanced lactation. A nursing mother must include green ragi in her daily diet to enhance the number of amino acids, calcium, and iron in her breast milk, all of which are crucial for both the mother and the baby.

Prevents Diabetes

Your risk of developing diabetes can be lowered by regularly eating ragi. This is due to ragi’s high concentration of dietary fiber and polyphenols. Comparing ragi to other whole wheat grains reveals how much fiber it has. Regular ragi consumption helps to stabilize your blood sugar level and reduce it. Ragi works as an absorbent; thus, it absorbs starch and decreases your body’s ability to digest it. Because of this, most ragi consumers rarely experience hunger.

Good Digestion

The dietary fiber in ragi aids in the easy digestion of food in your intestines. Ragi enhances the way food moves through your body, making it easier for meals to pass through your intestines and retaining water for waste elimination. Ragi is a cereal that is very nutritious and supports your overall health. However, you can enjoy various ragi meals while ensuring your health. This nutritious cereal, which comes in a variety of forms, from dosas to ragi balls, will keep you active and healthy all day.

Ragi Keeps you Relaxed

Consuming ragi has the incredible effect of relaxing your body naturally. You can manage your anxiety, sleeplessness, and sadness by eating ragi. All of these anxiety problems are stabilized, and you remain calm the entire day. It does settle your thoughts and maintain your composure. Ragi literally functions as a body cooler on a hot summer day.

Prevents Colon Cancer

Because it includes fiber and phytonutrients that lower the risk of colon cancer, ragi is known to aid in the prevention of cancer. Your intestine transforms lignan, a type of nutrient present in ragi, into mammalian lignan, which lowers the risk of breast cancer in women. Our chances of getting cancer can be lowered by regularly consuming ragi.

Why Should You Consume Ragi in the Morning?

Busy professionals have been known to completely skip it and grab two or three cups of coffee in its place. Breakfast is reduced to “eh, I’ll directly eat lunch” In the morning hurry to shower, get the kids ready, exercise, choose an outfit, and rush to a meeting or log into a Zoom call.

Eat your breakfast first! It breaks your previous night’s fast (after all, that is what it is called), provides you more energy in the morning, keeps you awake, and controls your hunger so you may eat appropriately for lunch and supper. The list continues, but we’re not only trying to persuade you of the advantages of eating breakfast. We’re talking about a wholesome ragi meal. Include ragi in your breakfast with the easiest option which is a ragi dosa. You can buy ready-to-cook ragi dosa batter which will make your mornings nutritious and hassle-free.

To Sum Up

Ragi is one of the most nutritious millets available around us and we know that breakfast needs to be the healthiest and most fulfilling meal of the day. To include ragi in your breakfasts, you can add ragi to your chapatis or dosa. Nowadays ready-to-cook ragi dosa batter comes in handy to prepare a quick and delicious ragi dosa.

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